Hair loss and thinning have become popular due to redundant lifestyles and hormonal changes. Medical conditions and genes also cause hair loss. Lack of effective hair care procedures also contributes to hair damage and hair loss.
You can turn to various solutions to overcome hair loss. Commercial hair loss products are probably the most popular hair loss treatment methods. However, some products might not work well with your type of hair. These products can also cause unwanted side effects like hair thinning.
The most effective treatment option for hair loss is a hair transplant in Bangkok. If you want to discover more about hair transplants in Bangkok, you have come to the right place. Family Senior Store has prepared this guide to help you know about Bangkok hair transplants.
What is Hair Transplant?
During a hair transplant, hair follicles are removed from one area in the body and transplanted in another hairless area. It can be done through strip harvesting or FUE.
The surgeon removes hair from skin strips with healthy hair during strip harvesting and transplants it in the target area. On the other hand, hair clusters are manually removed during follicular unit extraction.
Strip harvesting has become increasingly popular because it does not leave scars. Moreover, patients can recover in a couple of weeks.
FUE requires many sessions and maintenance.
How to Know if You Qualify for Hair Transplant?
If you are considering a hair transplant, it is advisable to pay attention to various signs. For instance, you should consider the texture and color. Your hair density will also determine if you qualify for a hair transplant procedure.
Patients with wavy or curly hair might get better results with hair transplants. The flexibility of your scalp will also determine your suitability. Another factor that will determine your suitability for the procedure is hair thickness.
Final Thoughts
Hair Transplant Bangkok is the best option for all your hair loss problems. It is safer and more cost-effective than other hair loss treatment options. Your surgeon will conduct a comprehensive consultation to determine your suitability for the procedure.